Causes of Seal Leakage & Potential Solutions
Time to Read: 2m 30s
Over time, seals age and develop wear or sustain damage, causing seal leakage. A common issue, seal leakage or failure, can often be resolved quickly and efficiently. However, if ignored, seal leakages and failures can damage your application. Learn about symptoms and reasons of seal failure and potential solutions.
Seal Failure Symptoms
There are several indicators that your mechanical seal is experiencing failure. To determine the cause, your application should be evaluated for performance challenges contributing to seal leakage. If your system has:- A cracked or broken mating ring
- A scored and grooved carbon washer
- Short seal life within a treated system
- Uneven wear on the primary ring
- Rapid carbon wear and hard, brittle bellows
- Dissolved appearance and soft, sticky bellows
- Intense wear or broken retainer drive tabs
- Broken flexible bellows
- Worn out shaft
Reasons for Failure
Many factors can play a part in seal failure. When investigating possible reasons for failure, some issues are as minor as improper seal installation, coupling misalignment, or a system that requires cleaning. A range of other possible causes for seal leakage include the following:- Seal overheating due to dry operation, then met with cool liquid, creating thermal cracks
- High temperature and treatment level, leading to shortened seal life
- Pump running dry, leading to extreme temperature levels and damaging bellows
- Bellows incompatible with the material being pumped, leading to deterioration
- Excessive vibration or coupling misalignment, causing loss of lubrication at the seal face
- If the shaft is not straight, experiencing radial movement or end play causes premature shaft wear
Seal Leakage Corrective Action
Varied solutions can address and solve the challenges causing seal leakage. Solving failures in mechanical seal applications usually requires a part or pump replacement or component realignment. In addition to proper cleaning and flushing of a system, potential solutions to seal leakage include:- Ensure the chamber has adequate liquid before starting pump operations, and when encountering high temperatures, verify proper flushing at seal faces
- Consider abrasive separator installation
- Check installation, review instructions, and certify the application has been appropriately assembled
- Incorporate seal chamber cooling, utilize EPDM or Viton® elastomers, high-temperature carbon, Ni-Resist, or tungsten carbide mating rings
- Realign pump and motor applications, ensure suitable flushing at seal faces
- Replace shaft and bearings